Establishing a Pet Trust

When setting up an estate to care for your loved ones, your friends and family and your favorite charities, don’t forget your pets. This is especially true if you have a pet that is likely to outlive you and you want to ensure they continue to receive a high standard of care. Both Utah and…

What Does the Expert Witness Do?

There are two types of witnesses that frequently appear in a trial: fact witnesses and expert witnesses. A fact witness speaks to their firsthand knowledge of a specific event. An expert witness, on the other hand, offers their opinion on the information based on their specific expertise in a certain area. Experts are often used…

Should I Settle or Litigate?

If you’re involved in a lawsuit, you may wonder about  settling the dispute before it moves forward. There are a number of good reasons to settle as well as reasons to litigate, so before making any decision, make sure you talk to your business litigation attorney about the specific facts of your case. However, as…