Understanding Libel and Slander

Defamation can cause huge issues for professionals, businesses, and individuals whose work involves maintaining their good reputation. From an accountant finding that they are the target of a conspiracy theory website to blog posts spewing unfounded opinion as fact, defamation is all over. The internet makes this content quicker to spread, easier to legitimize, and…

Common Pre-Trial Motions

Often, details of a civil lawsuit are heard by the court before the full trial occurs. These pre-trial motions deal with issues that need to be addressed before a case is heard by the judge or jury including the admissibility of evidence, whether the case is before the right court, and even whether there’s a…

Caring for Loved Pets after Death

From companion dogs to award winning horses to cats that are a business asset, people often want to ensure their pets are cared for after their death. Choupette Lagerfeld, a Birman cat, inherited a significant sum in the millions when Karl Lagerfeld died earlier this year. Even individuals with much smaller estates want to ensure…

What is the Role of an Expert?

Many different lawsuits, from personal injury to business damages, rely on the ability of the jury to clearly understand the facts, issues, and ramifications of a case. Using an expert witness as part of the case presentation is an excellent way to add credence to a particular argument, give a clear explanation of a complicated…

What to Expect in Depositions

During a lawsuit, a deposition is a chance for the lawyers of each side to ask parties questions under oath to learn more about what they think and what they’re likely to say at trial. Depositions happen shortly after written discovery, allowing time for the attorneys to review submitted materials and are generally conducted in…

Who Gets to Hand out the Jewelry?

While estate plans tend to focus on the large, high value items like real estate, cars, securities, and cash, just as many family squabbles occur over low-value personal items left behind by loved ones. From grandmother’s brownie pan to dad’s favorite hunting jacket, these items often have personal significance to multiple family members and dividing…

Will Insurance Cover my Lawsuit?

As a business owner, you purchase various types of business insurance to try and mitigate your risk and exposure. This lets you focus on growing your business without constantly worrying that one lawsuit will drain your coffers. Therefore, you expect, when sued, that insurance will cover the costs of your lawsuit as well as any…