Top Employee Grievances

When you have employees, you may find yourself dealing with workplace grievances where employees bring to you the problems they are facing in the workplace and ask you to resolve the problem. It’s impossible to predict what sort of grievance your employees may encounter, but here are some common ones you can prepare and avoid.…


Death Overseas

Few people plan to die, especially not when they are overseas away from their homes and families. Sadly, from time to time, this occurs and the person’s family is left to sort out the pieces. For U.S. citizens, the Bureau of Consular Affairs helps assist with the process, though they do not provide funds to…


Settling Contract Disputes

In business, many exchanges are covered by a contract. While your lawyer encourages you to read every contract you sign, and to send the contracts to them for review, the reality is that there are plenty of contracts that are never read. Or they were read and negotiated years ago and the on-going relationship has…


Famous Estates & Their Lawsuits

If you think celebrities are immune from estate battles, think again. While the world mourns when a famous singer or talented actress dies and shares clips and soundbites of their best hits, their families and heirs start the process of dividing up their existing assets and ongoing royalty stream. Many of the problems they face…


Getting a Judgment Lien

After you’ve gotten a judgment in a civil trial, you are entitled to collect that amount from the opposing party. While sometimes it’s as simple as them writing a check, in other instances, they don’t have or are not willing to pay the judgment. In these cases, you’ll get a judgment lien. In this case,…


Common Causes of Probate Litigation

Dealing with an estate can bring out the worst in a family. They are already dealing with the grief of loss and existing family complications, but when you add an estate into the mix, especially one with money, relationships often deteriorate. Writing Out a Child When considering your estate and heirs, you have the absolute…


What Happens After Trial?

While the end of a trial can seem cathartic, with each side having a clear idea of the result, reality is a lot murkier. Not only is the outcome at trial uncertain, particularly in the case of a jury trial, but even after a trial, there is still a chance for appeal. So while a…


What is Intestate Succession?

Intestate succession is what happens to your estate if you die without leaving a will behind, which happens surprisingly often. The laws of intestate succession vary state to state, but they all give a string of individuals to whom the court will try and pass your assets. A long-running mystery series, The Cat Who…, featured…


Tips When Preparing for Depositions

If you’re involved in a civil lawsuit and have pertinent information pertaining to the case, then you may be called to testify before trial as part of a deposition. Depositions are chances for the attorneys from both sides to ask witnesses questions under oath before trial and are part of the fact-finding process. A witness…


Handling a Wrongful Death Action

No one wants to lose a loved one and especially to an accident. Sadly, personal injury is occasionally intertwined with estate work when the deceased person passed away as a result of the mistaken actions of another. In these situations, the estate and the personal representative are involved in the personal injury action as they…
