What is the Role of an Expert?

Many different lawsuits, from personal injury to business damages, rely on the ability of the jury to clearly understand the facts, issues, and ramifications of a case. Using an expert witness as part of the case presentation is an excellent way to add credence to a particular argument, give a clear explanation of a complicated…

What to Expect in Depositions

During a lawsuit, a deposition is a chance for the lawyers of each side to ask parties questions under oath to learn more about what they think and what they’re likely to say at trial. Depositions happen shortly after written discovery, allowing time for the attorneys to review submitted materials and are generally conducted in…

Will Insurance Cover my Lawsuit?

As a business owner, you purchase various types of business insurance to try and mitigate your risk and exposure. This lets you focus on growing your business without constantly worrying that one lawsuit will drain your coffers. Therefore, you expect, when sued, that insurance will cover the costs of your lawsuit as well as any…

What Information is Accessible through FOIA?

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a mechanism by which concerned citizens can request specific information regarding the running of government. The federal government, federal agencies, and others that receive federal funding are obligated, with certain exceptions, to disclose information upon request. For state agencies, the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act gives…

Should I Appeal a Court Ruling?

If you’ve been involved in business litigation in Utah, you know how time-consuming and stressful the legal process can be. You and your employees are expected to appear multiple times for depositions and trial and these appearances can stretch into multiple days for complex or hard-fought cases. Further, your company resources are being used to…

Can Shareholders Access Company Information?

Businesses often grow by bringing in shareholders. Close corporations often bring in family members, close friends, valued employees, and others close to the corporation while larger businesses go through the securities filing process and sell shares in their corporation to the general public. The individuals who buy or earn shares, regardless of how few, become…

Basics of Enforceable Contracts

Contracts are central to any business. They outline agreements with suppliers, employees, customers, property owners, contractors, and many others. As a business owner, you probably interact with and sign contracts on a daily basis, yet rarely think about what happens should some portion of the agreement become a problem and the language of the contract…